Dr Jef Laga

Dr Jef Laga

SpecialisationNumber theory
Research interestsMr Laga is a pure mathematician working in number theory, a field that goes back to the ancient Greeks and Babylonians and aims to understand properties of the whole numbers, the basic building blocks of mathematics. More specifically, he works in arithmetic statistics, which studies number-theoretic objects (like prime numbers or polynomial equations) in families.

He completed an undergraduate degree at Ghent University (with an exchange semester in Paris) and a Master's degree (Part III) at Cambridge. In his PhD thesis at Cambridge, he showed how Lie theory (which is also used in theoretical physics) can be fruitfully applied to study the arithmetic statistics of Diophantine equations.

While at St John’s Mr Laga will continue investigating number theory through the lens of Lie theory, as well as exploring interactions with neighbouring fields such as algebraic geometry, symplectic geometry and singularity theory.
Office: F11C Cripps