Home and EU Undergraduate Students

University Tuition Fees

£9,000 (for 2016/2017)

£9,250 (for 2017/2018)

College Fees

Subject to a fee status check, the College fee for Home and EU undergraduates who are on their first undergraduate course is included within the University fee and does not constitute an additional charge. UK or EU students who are eligible for public support do not normally have to pay an additional College fee, unless they are studying for a second degree.

There are different regulations for ELQ (Equivalent or Lower Qualification) students, who study for a degree which is equivalent to, or at a lower level than, a qualification they already possess when they commence their course. More specifically, the fees for undergraduate ELQ students who commence their studies in 2017-18, will be £9,771 for the University and £7,500 for the College.

Please note: On 21 April 2017, the government confirmed that EU students applying for courses starting in 2018 will remain eligible for undergraduate, master’s, postgraduate and advanced learner financial support in academic year 2018 to 2019. These students will continue to have access to student loans and grants, even if the course concludes after the UK’s exit from the EU. For more information, visit this page on Gov.uk.