An audience with His Holiness The Dalai Lama

In April 2013 His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama visited Cambridge after being invited by the Global Scholars Symposium to deliver talks and participate in discussions. St John’s College was honoured to host His Holiness as a guest while he was in Cambridge, and receive two talks from him in the College Chapel. The Dalai Lama also took the time to respond to questions posed by Fellows and students of the University.

‘Educating the Heart’ – Friday 19 April 2013

This talk was received by 600 guests in Chapel and 150 who watched a live stream of the event in the Divinity School. 3500 watched the event streamed live on YouTube. The talk is now available to watch or listen to on the links below:

‘The Path to Peace and Happiness in a Global Society’ – Saturday 20 April 2013

This talk was received by 600 guests in Chapel, and can be listened to on the link below:

The talks can also be listened to using the players below.