2012 Travel Award and Research Project Reports

Scaling mountains that have never been climbed before, working on community development projects in Central American rainforests, assisting with an archaeological dig in Turkey, and conducting a neuroscience research project…

These are just a few examples of how some students at St John’s College spent their last summer vacation, with assistance from the College’s Travel Grants and Undergraduate Academic Research Project funds. Reports written by successful applicants have now been published in a booklet which also contains over 150 photographs, taken by the students whilst travelling or working on their project:

The book is also available to view in Students Services, and students can purchase a copy of the book by contacting them.

More information about Travel Grants and Undergraduate Academic Research Projects, along with the wide range of other grants, awards and prizes offered the College, can be found on our website.

If you’re a current student then do not miss out on these opportunities. Applications are currently open for Travel Grants and Undergraduate Academic Research Projects, and current students should log in and view their announcements to find out more…