Laura Plant celebrates lacrosse gold medal win

Laura Plant, who recently graduated from the Natural Sciences tripos, is currently celebrating a gold medal win with the English Team at the European Lacrosse Championships 2012. Laura joined St John’s College in 2009 and became a midfielder in the Senior England Lacrosse Squad the following year.

Since then she has been successfully balancing her National Lacrosse commitments, as well as captaining the Cambridge Blues Lacrosse Team, and working towards her degree. She went on tour with the national squad in February 2011 to the US and her talent led her to be selected for the England Team for the European Championships in June 2012.

This meant she was faced with the mammoth task of training and keeping fit for the Championships this summer whilst also revising hard for her finals. But in her own words ‘clearly a healthy body means a healthy mind’ as in spite of all her extra training and commitments she has managed to achieve a first this year as well.

Twenty nations took part in the European Championships 2012, held in Amsterdam. The tougher games for the women’s team came towards the end of the tournament where they faced Germany in the semi-finals and Wales in the finals which the team won 11-5. The England men’s team defeated Ireland in the finals to win gold as well. 

Laura, who has now been accepted to study for an MPhil in Environmental Policy in Michaelmas Term 2012, says that ‘being part of the European Championship team was a big milestone for me as selection will soon begin for the World Cup in Summer 2013 in Canada’. So, while celebrating her success, the hard work both on and off the pitch will continue for Laura in the coming months.