MRJ number
College classmark

    Paper, 9.375 x 6.5, ff. 107 + 24, 34 lines to a page.  15th -16th cent., badly written.

    Old binding (16th cent.), stamped leather over boards: on 2nd cover HENRY SAVILL, and initials H. S. on both covers.

    Donor, T. C. S.  Priced 10s.

    Collation:  910 112 - 912 (wants 12) b8 c6 (6 stuck to cover).

    On cover:

   Item to speak to mar neusom to make me a good and stronge clok yt wylle stryke apon a great belle, etc.

    Item to desyer my lady harbart to make redy the vargens and the brasse for the Ranges agaynst the next weake or monday.


        1.  Henr. Daniell de Urinis     .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         f. 1

             Liber primus uricrisiarum secundum fr. Danielem phisice

                 doctorem ordinis predicatorum.

             Uryn is as moche to say in englysh as ouer the renes.

             Lib. III ends f. 96:

             of ye malice of mater of ye maladye.  Expl. lib. uricris. tercius

                 Danielis Doctoris.

             Qui scripsit scripta sua dextera sit benedicta.

             Receipt on 96b.

        2.  Another tract on the same       .         .         .         .         .         .         .                 97

             Fowre doctores ben of phisyc. galiene theophilus ysaac and

                 constantyn off ye whyche 4 ysaac saith yt uryn is clenssyng

                 off ye blood.

             Ends 106b : yan bryngyng forth of yem war done.

             Receipts in various hands follow.


    Possibly from the library of Henry Savile of Banke (d. 1617): but it does not occur in the catalogue edited by Mr J. P. Gilson, Trans. Bibliogr. Soc. 9 (1908), 128-2101.


1 There seem to be some shorthand notes (faint) on f. 1.

Manuscript extra information

A. G. Watson, The manuscripts of Henry Savile of Banke (London, 1969).