Nagoya University Exchange Scheme

a 2-week cultural/academic exchange with Nagoya University, in Japan

St John’s College has an annual Exchange Programme with Nagoya University in Japan. This cultural/academic Exchange Programme allows 6 undergraduate students from St John’s to visit Nagoya University and spend 2 weeks in Japan. The aim of the programme is to broaden the social horizons of students and allow them to gain insight of history, culture and traditions of other countries.


Undergraduate students from all year groups (including finalists) and across all subjects are invited to apply. The selection is done on the basis of academic excellence and the successful applicants are the ones who are expected to benefit more from the Exchange Programme.


St John’s students are invited to visit Japan from Sunday, 2nd July to Sunday, 16th July 2017.


St John’s students will be involved in a variety of cultural activities, during their stay in Japan. Some of the activities organised in the past, were:

  • Flower arrangement
  • Kimono
  • Origami, the art of paper-folding
  • Japanese Calligraphy
  • Bushido, Samurai Swordsmanship

The posters of these activities are attached at the bottom of the webpage.

Costs covered

  • Travel / Insurance / Visa costs
  • Accommodation & Food
  • Programme activities in Japan

Additional Information

The exchange students from Japan will visit Cambridge from Saturday, 04th March to Saturday, 18th March 2017. St John’s College will provide accommodation for the Japanese students. The host students are expected to assist their peers during their visits and be involved in the activities organised. The cost of these activities is covered by the College. Our goal is to make the Programme as rewarding and enjoyable as possible for both parties.

Application Procedure

The application procedure starts on Friday, 18th November 2016 and the deadline for applications will be on Monday, 19th December 2016. Students who wish to apply will be asked to also enclose: (i) a basic CV, and (ii) a personal statement of the reasons why they are interested in the Exchange Programme and how they feel that it would benefit their academic and personal development.

In the meantime, Student Services would be happy to respond to informal enquiries and requests for information.


"I had an amazing time on the Nagoya Exchange and would highly recommend it. It was fun having the exchanges come to Cambridge but of course the highlight was visiting Japan. It made a huge difference to experience the culture through an exchange programme because we saw a more authentic side of student life in Japan. The Nagoya students organised really exciting events for us which we would never even have known about without them. As the culture in Japan is so different, it was so helpful to have them explain (and translate!) for us. We had the opportunity to visit a Japanese hot spring outside of the city and got to a sumo wrestling tournament, amongst many other things. We all gained a lot from the programme and even learnt a little Japanese!"

- Ayesha Chanda, 4th year MML student, Summer 2016