A Lenten Meditation

A Service of readings and music for Lent and Passiontide.Christ carrying the Cross
Will be held on Saturday 9 March 2024 at 6.00pm.

Music last year included God so loved the world (Stainer), Civitas sancti tui (Byrd), Geistliches Lied (Brahms), Sicut cervus (Palestrina), Popule meus (Victoria), In ieunio et fletu (Tallis) and Miserere (de Monte). 

Applications must be received by monday 12 February.

Please note that priority must be given to members of the College.

Please note that this service is unsuitable for babies and toddlers.

If you have any queries about this, or any service, please email the Chapel Clerk or phone on (01223) 338676.

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