Index of Other Images F-Z

Manuscript image index

Every index entry is followed by the St John's College Library classmark for each appropriate manuscript, with the folio location of the image in that manuscript. For example, Abel B.9, f.203v indicates that an image of Abel is to be found on the verso of leaf 203 in Manuscript B.9. Please quote this latter reference in any enquiry to the Special Collections Librarian (tel. 01223-339393).

F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Falconry - B.20, f.2v ; K.30, f.3r ; N.19, f.2r

Fighting - A.4, f.46v (Vol.4) ; A.8, f.1v, f.39v

Fire - B.9, f.160r ; B.20, f.2v; E.35, f.1r ; H.5, f.6r ; K.30, f.1v

Flags - C.24, f.3v, f.4r ; K.21, f.43r

Foliage - A.4, (throughout) ; A.7 (throughout) ; A.9 f.1r ; B.1, f.161r ; B.9, f.1r ; B.18, f.1r; B.20, f.6r ; C.1 (throughout) ; C.6, (throughout) ; C.10 (throughout) ; C.11 (throughout) ; C.24 (throughout) ; D.18, f.68v ; D.30, (throughout) ; G.24 (throughout) ; H.2, f.1r, f.18v, f.65v ; H.13 (throughout) ; K.26, f.11r ; K.30, f.7v ; N.2, (throughout); N.24 (throughout) ; S.30, f.1r

Fool - D.30, f.50r ; E.15, f.55r ; N.8, f.169r

Funeral - B.9, f.76r ; N.2, f.78r ; N.24, f.127r ; T.8, f.344v


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Golien, Jean - T.8, f.1r

Grave - N.24, f.174r ; T.8, f.19v

Gridiron - K.21, f.61r

Grotesques - A.4, various (Vol.2), f.60v (Vol.4) ; A.8, f.76v ; B.9, f.1r, f.84v, f.90v, f.116r, f.169v, f.198r ; B.18, f.166v ; B.21, f.7r, f.145r ; C.10, (throughout) ; C.24, f.3v, f.4r, (throughout) ; D.24, f.187r ; D.30, f.7r, f.30v ; E.15, (various) ; K.30 (various); N.2, (throughout) ; S.30, f.6v, f.50r

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Hanging man

  • Acrobatic A.4, f.60v (Vol.4)
  • Execution A.4, f.61v (Vol.4)


  • with Beard A.8, f.76v
  • of Man in medallion C.6, f.10r
  • of Woman in medallion A.8, f.219r

Hector - H.5, f.2r

Hell, - B.9, f.234v

Henry III - A.7, f.1r

Heraldry - A.4, f.1r (Vol.1), f.53v (Vol.1), f.1r (Vol.2), f.37r (Vol.2), f.49v (Vol.2), f.67v (Vol.2), f.68v (Vol.2), f.1r (Vol.4), f.46v (Vol.4), f.60v (Vol.4) ; A.7, f.1r, f.10r, f.53r, f.69r, f.133r ; B.1, f.178v ; C.6, f.10r ; C.11, f.1r, f.14v, f.25v, f.35r, f.46v ; C.24, f.1r, f.58r ; D.30, f.7r ; H.2, f.1r, f.18v, f.65v ; H.5, f.2r

Hercules - H.5, f.6r

Holy Water - K.21, f.64v, f.65v ; T.8, f.19v

Host - E.24, f.112v ; T.8, f.77v, f.116r, f.116v, f.119r, f.147r

Houselling cloth - T.8, f.119r

Hugh, of Saint-Victor - K.25, f.1r

Hunt - B.9, f.167r ; D.30, f.7r

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Interlace - A.8, f.180v ; C.4, f.1r ; C.9, f.1v, f.2r, f.35v, f.36r, f.68v, f.69r ; C.18, f.71v ; D.6, f.31v ; E.6, f.29v ; G.24, (throughout) ; K.30, f.7v, f.26r, f.38r, f.48v, f.49r, f.59v, f.72v, f.84v, f.97v

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Jawbone - K.26, f.6r

Jew - B.4, f.39v, f.84r, f.96v ; B.9, f.139v, f.146r, f.203v ; K.21, f.45v, f.46v, f.47v, f.49v, f.50v, f.51r, f.51v, f.52r, f.52v, f.54v, f.58r, f.64r, f.64v, f.65r ; K.26, f.24r ; N.8, f.18r, f.38r, f.139v, f.265r, f.276r, f.326r, f.344r

Josephus - A.8, f.103v

Judge - A.4, f.37r (Vol.2), f.61v (Vol.4)

  • Minos as H.5, f.8r

Judgement of the Dead - H.5, f.8r

Juggler - K.30, f.49r

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King - A.4, f.53v (Vol.1), f.102v (Vol.1), f.68v (Vol.2) ; B.9, f.55r, f.84r, f.185v ; D.6, f.27v ; D.30, f.50r ; K.26, f.22v ; K.30, f.49v, f.97v, f.111r, f.120v ; N.8, f.122v ; N.24, f.61r, f.87r ; S.30, f.64r, f.70r ; T.8, f.37r, f.154r, f.342r

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Ladders - D.6, f.102r ; K.21, f.52v, f.53v ; K.26, f.8r

Lantern - D.6, f.30v

Lecture - A.4, f.1r (Vol.3) ; A.19, f.2v ; B.9, f.195v ; G.14, f.96v

Leucippus - G.14, f.202r

Lily - G.14, f.26r

Lion-headed figure - B.20, f.6r

Litigant - A.4, f.37r (Vol.2), f.68v (Vol.2), f.61v (Vol.4)

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Maid - K.26, f.23r

  • holding basket of Doves N.24, f.65r


Mallet - K.21, f.53v

Man (Men)

Mandorla - D.6, f.102r ; K.21, f.66r

Marcus Graecus - G.14, f.213r

Marriage - A.4, f.101r (Vol.1), f.67v (Vol.2), f.60v (Vol.4)

Maxentius - A.4, f.36r (Vol.4)

Maze - H.11, f.124v

Midwife - K.21, f.37v ; K.26, f.12r


  • as judge H.5, f.8r

Money - B.9, f.213r ; K.21, f.47v, f.58r

Monk (see Cleric)

Moon - K.21, f.35v, f.52v ; K.26, f.3r, f.3v, f.4v, f.7v, f.8r, f.8v, f.20v ; N.19, f.8v, f.9v

Mourners - N.2, f.78r ; N.24, f.127r ; T.8, f.344v

Motto - H.13, f.103r

Music (see musical instruments)

Musical Instruments (and musicians)

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Nude figure (see also Patients) - K.30, f.114v

  • Bitten by serpents A.8, f.91r
  • Descent into Hell K.21, f.54r
  • wearing Pointed cap A.8, f.136v

Nun - B.9, f.76r ; D.30, f.154v

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  • Christ holding A.10, f.1r ; S.30, f.1r
  • Crowned woman holding D.6, f.118r
  • Henry III holding A.7, f.1r


  • Emerging from pink cloud H.5, f.2r, f.5r

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Pegasus - H.5, f.9r

Perseus - H.5, f.9r


Pictagoras - G.14, f.197r

Pirithous - H.5, f.6r

Plough- B.9, f.206v


  • Bearded A.4, f.1r (Vol.2)
  • Handing book to kneeling man A.4, f.1r (Vol.2)
  • at the Last Judgement B.9, f.185v
  • Seated A.4, f.1r (Vol.1), f.1r (Vol.2)
  • Silvester B.9, f.139v, f.146r

Princess - N.24, f.167r

Prophet - T.8, f.154r

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Queen - B.9, f.55r

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Rainbow - N.24, f.174r

Richard II - A.7, f.133r

Richard Role - B.1, f.1r, f.41r

Rosary Beads - B.1, f.41r ; E.24, f.45v

Ruler - B.9, f.131v, f.152r, f.155v, f.160r, f.163v ; K.21, f.45v

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Sainte Chapelle - T.8, f.1r

Samuel (scribe) - A.8, f.103v

Scribe - N.3, f.1r

Scroll - N.2, f.70r

Scythe - B.20, f.2v; H.5, f.9r ; K.26, f.6v ; K.30, f.4r ; N.19, f.3r

Sea (see Water)

Sea-monster - H.5, f.9r

Seraphs (see Angel)

Shepherds - B.9, f.8r ; D.6, f.27v, f.116r ; K.26, f.12v

Shields (see heraldry)

Sickle - B.20, f.2v; K.26, f.6v ; K.30, f.4v ; N.19, f.3v

Silvester (Pope) - B.9, f.139v, f.146r

Skeleton - N.24, f.119r ; S.30, f.64r

Skull - A.19, f.2v ; T.8, f.19v

Soldier(s) - A.19, f.20v, f.31v ; K.21, f.58r ; K.30, f.57r

Spade - B.20, f.2v ; K.30, f.2r

  • Adam digging K.26, f.5r
  • Cain killing Abel with B.9, f.203v

Spindle - B.9, f.1r

  • Eve holding K.26. f.5r

Staff - K.30, f.3v

  • Apostles holding K.21, f.66v
  • Christ piercing the heads of men and lion with B.18, f.86v
  • David holding C.9, f.68v ; C.18, f.37v ; D.6, f.50v?
  • Fool holding D.30, f.50r
  • Hugo of Saint-Victor holding K.25, f.1r
  • Solomon holding D.6, f.50v?

Star(s) - B.17, f.101v ; B.20, f.4r ; G.15, f.155v ; H.5, f.9r ; K.21, f.35v ; N.24, f.61r; T.8, f.154r, f.331v

Star Signs (See Zodiac signs)

Statue - G.32, f.iiv

Stave - B.9, f.55r ; K.21, f.56v, f.66v

Stoning - B.9, f.109v, f.136r ; N.8, f.221r ; T.8, f.342v

Sun - K.21, f.35v, f.52v ; K.26, f.3r, f.3v, f.4v, f.7v, f.8r, f.8v, f.20v ; N.19, f.8v, f.9v

Surgical instruments - A.19 (throughout)

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Table of affinity - H.11, f.60v, f.61r

Teaching - A.19, f.2v ; G.14, f.96v ; S.30, f.72r

Tetragrammaton symbolising the Trinity - D.11, f.38v ; E.4, f.153v

Theseus - H.5, f.6r

Tomb - B.18, f.31r ; K.21, f.46r, f.54r, f.54v, f.55r, f.55v, f.56r, f.65v, f.66r ; K.26, f.17r, f.21r, f.24v ; T.8, f.19v, f.285v


  • presenting book to the Duke of Buckingham H.5, f.1r

Tree - B.9, f.1r, f.8r, f.41r, f.167r, f.192v, f.207r ; B.18, f.31r ; D.30, f.38r, f.50r ; H.5, f.2r, f.5r, f.6r ; K.21, f.46v, f.50r, f.54r, f.54v, f.55r, f.55v, f.56r, f.56v, f.62v, f.66v ; K.26, f.3r, f.4r, f.4v, f.5r, f.6r, f.6v ; N.19, f.1r, f.4v, f.5r, f.9v ; N.24, f.28r, f.87r, f.119r; T.8, f.19v, f.154r, f.189v, f.244r, f.340r, f.338v

  • Cross in the shape of B.18, f.31r
  • Rose tree G.5, f.1r

Trepanation - D.24, f.113r?

Trestles - K.21, f.64r

Tumblers - B.18, f.1r

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  • containing Lilies G.14, f.26r


Virgins - T.8, f.331v

Vomiting - B.9, f.234v ; B.18, 122r ?

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Whip - K.26, f.19r

Wild man

  • Supporting shield A.4, f.1r (Vol.3)


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Zodiac man - K.26, f.41v

Zodiac signs (see also Allegorical Figures: Months)

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