LMBC: Embracing Participation and Excellence Campaign Launched

The LMBC Reunion event held on Saturday, 3 September, saw the launch of the Embracing Participation and Excellence in Rowing Campaign. This marks the beginning of a long-term commitment to secure the Boat Club’s future at a time of increased pressures on College funding for student bursaries and financial hardship. The Campaign aims to build up an endowment of £5 million to sustain and develop the club’s activities. This continues a tradition of Johnian support for rowing through the LMBCA which has been an economic lifeline for the LMBC since 1913. At the event, the Master, Professor Chris Dobson, reiterated the College's support for the LMBC and the need to safeguard funding so that it remains a centre of rowing excellence and participation for future generations of Johnians. Annamarie Phelps (1984), member of the LMBCA committee, and Deputy Chairman of British Rowing spoke of the many sporting, professional and personal benefits of being part of the LMBC.  Annamarie noviced in her second year and went on to row in the 1996 Olympic Games.

The launch followed a wonderful afternoon on the river when over 160 Johnians participated and cheered on the crews at a Scratch Regatta. In between racing, His Excellency, Gilberto Arias (1986) officially named the newest member of the LMBC fleet, The Dame Margot. Congratulations to Guy Pooley’s crew who went on to win in a race fiercely contested to the finish. A big thanks to all involved for making this such a memorable reunion. View photos on the LMBC gallery.