Two Johnians named in Science Council’s Top 100 UK Scientists

Two Johnians, Professor Steve Furber CBE FRS and Sir Mark Moody-Stuart KCMG, have been named in the Science Council's list of the country's 100 leading practising scientists.

Professor Furber, who read for his BA at St John's and is Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Manchester, is considered one of the country's leading computer scientists, having led developments in the design of microprocessing and computation in industry and academia. Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Honorary Fellow of the College (2001) and former President of the Johnian Society (2002), is Director of Saudi Aramco and is recognised for his leadership of international oil and mining companies such as Shell and Anglo-American, as well as for tackling global health issues.

The Science Council's list recognises those who are currently engaged in the many different fields of UK science. Ten different "types" of scientist roles were established with ten examples of each to make up the list of 100, displaying a mix of skills, knowledge and expertise and challenging the idea that there is only one type of scientist.

Sir Tom Blundell, Science Council President, said: "The list shows that not all scientists wear white coats and that scientists are not only found in universities and research labs: they are literally everywhere in a wide variety of careers and occupations."

Read more by visiting the Science Council's 100 Leading UK Scientists page.