Otter rescued from River Cam by St John’s College staff

A baby otter was saved from drowning in the River Cam on Monday afternoon thanks to the efforts of College staff.

Housekeeping supervisor Belinda Peat spotted the otter in distress after hearing squeaking noises in the river, and after raising the alarm, Daniel Molden and Richard Pauley from Housekeeping came by to help.

The eight-week old otter cub had taken refuge in a hole in the wall close to the Bridge of Sighs, but when it tried to swim to the opposite bank the current proved too strong and it was swept towards the bridge where it ended up clinging to part of the wall. The otter was thought to have been separated from its family and was exhausted after trying to fight the fast-flowing waters.

The group managed to persuade a family on a passing punt to save the otter, whose head was only just above water, and bring him to the opposite bank. Once on dry land he was wrapped in a towel and immediately fell asleep.

The otter was taken to Cambridgeshire Wildlife Care in Haddenham where he is said to be doing well, and will soon be moved soon to another wildlife sanctuary with other otter cubs where it can receive specialist care.

For more information about this story, please contact Louise Hanzlik,