Rare footage shot by Cambridge student in the 1940s seen for the first time

An amateur film shot by Philip Malcolm Shaw of St John's College depicting scenes of student life in the 1940s has been shown for the first time. The recently-digitised film from the St John's College Archives shows undergraduates relaxing and having fun whilst war looms in the background.

Shaw's life as a student at St John's coincided with the outbreak of World War II, and in the footage, narrated by Shaw in the 1980s, we see students living their normal academic and social lives while RAF war planes circle overhead, College lawns are dug up for the 'dig for victory' initiative, and sandbags are deployed. Undergraduates are seen punting, strolling to lectures, climbing New Court Tower, and playing sports.

Although the undergraduates seem largely unaffected by the backdrop of a country at war, many of Shaw's fellow students would soon go on to take part in the conflict.

'What we see in Shaw's film is the lighter side of College life' says Archivist Tracy Wilkinson. 'Despite his time at St John's coinciding with the outbreak of war, the sense of there still being time for leisure is evident.'

Read more about Philip Malcolm Shaw and watch his film on the Interesting Johnians page.