Green Day 2012 – A day for behavioural change in the College

Green Day 2012 – 14th November. A focal day for energy saving in the College.

Green Day is about raising awareness in the difference behavioural change can make on the environment. With particular focus on reducing gas and electricity consumption, Green Day is about rethinking the ways in which we use energy. Behavioural change is widely recognised as the single most significant way to reduce energy consumption, far exceeding the benefits of most technological initiatives. Green Day also aims to raise awareness in the carbon dioxide emissions associated with meat production in comparison to vegetarian food, with information provided in the Buttery on Green Day.

The results of Green Day 2012 are in…

  • We saved 6% on gas consumption and 4% on electricity consumption.
  • This saved £77 in one day – that’s over £28,000 annually if achieved consistently throughout the year!
  • This one day prevented 600 Kg of Carbon Dioxide being released unnecessarily from energy production - equivalent in volume to 2.5 double decker buses!