Photographic Society

The St John's Photographic Society is a student-run society that aims to promote photography in all its forms. The society covers both digital and film photography.

Though the college darkroom is accessible to all members of the college, through the society students get access to the chemicals and paper they need. The society also provides introduction sessions for students who are new to darkroom techniques. Developing your own film adds an exciting new dimension to your photos.

The society arranges outings where members get a chance to go to interesting places, hopefully take some great photos and they get to share their knowledge. The society encourages its members to experiment, and so to progress their knowledge. This is helped by the friendly atmosphere that encourages members to share ideas and discuss problems.

If you would like to join the society or if you have any questions please contact Tom (

Commitee 2012-13

President: Caitlin Doherty (crd37)
Digital Enthusiast: Aakash Brachmachri (ab973)
Film Enthusiast: Tom Parry-Jones (tdp28)
Junior Treasurer: Megan Sorensen (mess2)
Senior Treasurer: Prof Malcolm Clarke (mac10)