2011 Travel Award and Research Project Reports

A book of Travel Award and Research Project reports is now available online. This compendium contains the reports of students awarded money by the College to complete a travel related or academic research project over the summer of 2011.

Accompanied by a rich variety of photographs, taken by the students themselves, these reports offer a great insight into adventures which are accessible to any student here. With reports from across the globe, join our students as they ascend a volcano in Indonesia (page 65), conduct charity work in Kenya (page 47) and immerse themselves in the culture of another country.

A hard copy of the book is available to view outside the Tutorial Office, and students can purchase a copy of the book by contacting the Tutorial Help Desk.

More information can be found on the Travel Grants and Undergraduate Academic Research Projects pages of our website, or see what other Grants, Awards and Prizes we offer.

If you’re a current student then do not miss out on this opportunity! Applications are currently open for Travel Grants and Undergraduate Academic Research Projects for the coming Long Vacation. Log in to your personal homepage to find out more. Where will your adventure take you?