St John’s College Aa.3 (part) (James 492)

Collections relating to the Non-jurors. English and Latin, eighteenth century

Copies of letters, testimonials, bibliographies, biographical notes, obituaries, matriculations at Oxford and Cambridge and other records relating to some fifty non-jurors, the copied material dating from the Glorious Revolution down to 1734. The contents include three lengthy letters from ‘Mr Lesley’ [Charles Leslie, 1650-1722] to Samuel Parker, ‘concerning the Schism’, 1712 (p. 37), a ‘Catalogue of MSS papers committed to the trust of Mr Hilkiah Bedford by Dr George Hickes’ (p.

St John’s College Aa.3 (James 491)

Zachary Grey, Commonplace book. English and Latin, c. 1704

Zachary Grey, antiquary, of Jesus College and Trinity Hall (1688-1766): commonplace jottings and connected prose, including a ‘History of the Swedish War against the Germans’ and a far more substantial ‘Hist[ory of] Engl[an]d’, reign by reign from the earliest times to Mary I. The date of the MS is established approximately by the list of monarchs and the lengths of their reigns at fo. [1v]. There is an evident interest in chronology, with a list of Roman emperors as well as English monarchs.

St John’s College Aa.2.55 (part)

‘Additions to the Levant Company’s Charter’. English, 1661


‘Additions to the Levant Company’s Charter: 1661’. Beg.: ‘And whereas by the humble Peticion of the said Governor and Company of Merchants of England Trading into the Levant …’; ends (imperfectly): ‘or shall in any matter or thing’.

St John’s College Aa.2.10(8)

Ambrose Rigge, ‘The Serpent’s subtilly discovered’. English, 1664

Ambrose Rigge (1634-1704): ‘The Serpent’s subtilly discovered, in a plaine answer [to] a Lying Scandelous paper lately come from Leonard Letchf[ord] whoe calls himselfe Rector of Hurst pierpoint in the County of Sussex’, ‘written this 15th day of the 12 month called February in the year 1663’. Copied from a Quaker tract, published London, 1663 (Wing R1490). See the entry for Rigge in DNB for details of his dispute with Letchford.

St John’s College Aa.1.58(1) (formerly Hh.1.1) (James 505)

Edmund Dudley, ‘The Tree of Commonwealth’. English, c. 1600

Edmund Dudley (1462?-1510): ‘This Booke named the tree of Commonwealth was made by Edmund Dudley Esq. [late] Councellor to King Henrie the viith the same Edmund at the compilinge heareof beeing prisoner in the tower in the first yeare of King Henrie the viiith’. Incomplete, ends: ‘And when and houe all these fower fruites must needes bee used with the sauce’ (fo. 103v). A single page only is missing.

St John’s College Aa.1.31-33 (James 488-90)

Karl Weierstrass, Lectures on the theory of maxima and minima. German, 1890 or earlier

Karl Weierstrass (1815-97): ‘Theorie der Maxima und Minima sowie der Variationsrechnung, ausgearbeitet nach Vorlesungen des Herrn Prof. Dr C. Weierstrass’. In 27 chapters, through three volumes. According to an accompanying letter from A[ugustus] E[dward] H[ough] Love (1863-1940), Fellow of St John’s College, to the Librarian, J. Bass Mullinger, 21 May 1890, tipped in at the flyleaf of vol.

St John’s College Aa.1.30

Notes on the life of Brook Taylor. English, ca. 1790


‘Notes added to Sir Wm Young’s Life of Dr Brook Taylor by his Granddaughter S. E. O. and copied from her book’ (fos 2r and 3r). Taylor (1685-1731) was a mathematician, and a Fellow of St John’s College. The notes are tied to identified pages in the published work, and conclude with a love poem by William Young, 1747 (fo. 11r).

St John’s College A.6.51 (James 486)

John Bailey, Notes on the Bible. English, 1647


St John’s College A.2.18(2) (James 487)

Myles Blomefylde, List of the Wards and Parish Churches of London. English, c. 1560

Myles Blomefylde, of the University of Cambridge, physician, alchemist and white magician (1525-1603): 'Here is declared the Wardes with all the parysshe Churches that stonde in those Wardes, Within the Cyte of Lond[on]' (fo. 1r); 'Here is mentioned all the Cathedrall churches, Chapelles and Other Churches that are Within the Cytie of London' (fo. 4v); 'Churches and Chapelles With out the Cytye' (fo. 5v). At fo.

St John's College W.115

F.A. Paley's copy of Aristophanis comoediae (London, 1830)


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