Mildred Cecil, Lady Burghley (1526-1589)

Mildred Cooke was educated at home by her father, Sir Anthony Cooke. In 1545 she married William Cecil, later Baron Burghley, and bore him five children. She exercised considerable influence over her husband's political decision making, and was a notable scholar in Latin and Greek, making several translations of Greek texts, although these were never published in her lifetime.

Henry Paman (ca. 1623-1695)

Henry Paman originally entered Emmanuel College to study medicine, but migrated to St John's in 1646, where he graduated and gained his MA. He later became senior proctor, graduated MD, and became public orator for the University. Paman's lifelong friend William Sancroft was made Archbishop of Canterbury in 1677 and Paman went to live in Lambeth Palace. He gained further distinction in his career, becoming professor of medicine at Gresham College, a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and LLD at Cambridge, before being appointed master of the faculties there.

Henry Alvey (d. 1627)

Henry Alvey gained his BA at St John's in 1575/6, graduated MA in 1579 and BD in 1586. He was a Fellow from 1577, and became President of the College in 1590. In 1601 he relocated to Ireland, where he became Provost of Trinity College, Dublin. He returned to Cambridge in 1609.

Alvey's gift to the Library

The year before his death Alvey gave 100 marks to the Library for the purchase of books, as well as various items from his own library. There are some 50 items in the Old Library bearing his provenance, all of a theological nature.

Bookplate of William Penn (1644-1718)

The bookplate of William Penn, Quaker leader and founder of the American state of Pennsylvania, from a French edition of the Imitatio Christi (1649).

St John's College W.3 (part)

George Udny Yule and Herbert Hedges, Christmas Carol. English, 1933

George Udny Yule, Fellow of St John’s College (1871-1951): ‘A Carol’, commencing: ‘All the bells of Heaven did ring / Lully lay, lully la / This song did the mother sing / Lully lay lu.’, dated The Lizard, Sep. 1933. With musical accompaniment scored by Herbert N. Hedges, 16 Oct. 1933.

St John's College W.3 (part)

George Udny Yule, Patents. English, 1894-5

British and US patents issued for George Udny Yule, Fellow of St John’s College (1871-1951), while a Demonstrator in Applied Mathematics at University College London, in respect of his invention for ‘improved arrangement and combination of apparatus to be employed in harmonic analysis’, 3 Aug. 1894 and 15 Jan. 1895.

St John's College W.3 (part)

George Udny Yule, Analysis of Cambridge Tripos results. English, 1938

St John's College W.3 (part)

Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, Documents signed as Lord Treasurer. English, 1660-4

Thomas Wriothesley, fourth earl of Southampton (1607-67), and member of St John’s College: apparently artificial collection of the following documents signed by the earl while holding the office of Lord Treasurer, 1660-4.

St John's College W.3 (part)

J. M. Wilson, Memoirs of Cambridge. English, 1913

St John's College W.3 (part) (James 609)

John Williams, Copy of his censure by the Privy Council. English, 1637

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