Research Fellows

Virgil Andrei
Virgil Andrei
Natural Sciences (Physical)
My interests revolve around the development of renewable energy sources, such as photoelectrocatalysis, photovoltaics and thermoelectrics . Currently, I am working on scalable "artificial leaf" devices, which can split water to produce hydrogen, or reduce carbon dioxide to value-added products under solar light illumination. This interdisciplinary approach is fundamental for the wide-scale implementation of sustainable solar fuels.
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Bales A
Dr Adam T Bales
Research Fellow in Philosophy
Decision Making
I am interested in the way that we do and should make decisions; in the role that regret and resolution play in our lives; and in the role of practical wisdom.
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Dr Nicholas Stephen Blunt
Natural Sciences (Physical)
High-accuracy quantum chemistry methods, particularly for systems where established approaches are unreliable; quantum Monte Carlo methods; excited-state and finite-temperature methods in quantum chemistry.
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Dr Tristan Brown
Dr Tristan G Brown
Title A (Research Fellow)
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Chinese History
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Dr Fusco
Dr Giuliana Fusco
Natural Science (Biological)
The underlying mechanisms of Parkinson’s Disease
Further developing studies on Parkinson’s disease and using the knowledge and tools developed during the PhD to address in detail the origin of this disease as well as to design research strategies to combat it.
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Dr Dorian Gangloff
Research Fellow in Physics
Natural Sciences (Physical)
Quantum optics, quantum networks, and quantum information processing. Optically-active semiconductor quantum dots. Trapped ions. Control of mesoscopic systems.
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Dr Talitha Kearey
Dr Talitha Kearey
Latin literature and its reception. My current book project explores concepts of authorship, biography and literary criticism in Virgil’s ancient reception; more broadly, I maintain research interests in Latin poetry and prose, the history of scholarship, reception studies to the present day, and literary and cultural theory (especially feminist and queer studies).

Recent and forthcoming publications:
• ‘(Mis)reading the Gnat: Truth and Deception in the Pseudo-Virgilian Culex’, Ramus 47.2 (2018), 174-196.
• ‘Two Acrostics in Horace’s Satires (1.9.24-8, 2.1.7-10)’, Classical Quarterly 69.2 (forthcoming in December 2019).
• ‘Secondary Metalepsis? Talking to Virgil in Fulgentius’ Expositio Continentiae Virgilianae’, in S. Matzner and G. C. Trimble (edd.),
Metalepsis: Ancient Texts, New Perspectives, Oxford University Press (forthcoming in 2020).

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Dr Matt Lampitt
Dr Matt Lampitt
Modern and Medieval Languages
My research focuses on medieval literature in French and Occitan, particularly in multilingual, comparative perspectives (especially with literature in Welsh, Latin, and English), and from positions informed by modern critical theory and philosophy (especially queer, feminist, psychoanalytic, ecocritical, and Latourian).
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Ms Mawson
Dr Stephanie Mawson
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Lucy McDonald
Lucy McDonald
I work mainly in philosophy of language, ethics, and feminist philosophy. I'm particularly interested in the nature and power of speech; what it means to be a speaker or a hearer, how power relations affect who can speak and what they can say, and the role speech plays in enforcing social norms.
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Dr Meier
Dr Joana Meier
Natural Science (Biological)
Evolutionary genomics; Speciation
My main research focus is on speciation and evolutionary genomics. Why do some taxa rapidly generate new species, whereas others remain species-poor? I am particularly interested in the role of hybridisation
(interbreeding) in rapid speciation and adaptation. My study systems include cichlid fishes from the East African Lake Victoria and Heliconius butterflies from the Andes in Ecuador.

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Jules O'Dwyer
Jules O'Dwyer
Modern and Medieval Languages
Jules O’Dwyer works primarily on contemporary French film and thought. His doctoral work addresses interrelated questions of spatiality and sexuality, with a focus on the work of Jacques Nolot, Vincent Dieutre and Alain Guiraudie. His publications have looked at a range of theoretical paradigms—including object-oriented thought, apparatus theory, and questions of intertextuality and stardom—through the lens of French film, ranging from 1950s ethnographic film to recent queer cinema.
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Anna plumridge
Anna Plumridge
Textual scholarship, with a particular focus on 19th and 20th century manuscripts, and colonial and postcolonial studies.
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Dr Kadi Saar
Dr Kadi Saar
Natural Sciences (Physical)
Biophysical Chemistry
My research focusses on developing new experimental and predictive computational methods for understanding the behaviour of proteins in their native state in solution.
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E Salgarella
Dr Ester Salgarella
Junior Research Fellow in Classics
Bronze Age Aegean writing systems (esp. Linear A and Linear B)
Linear A writing and administrative practices; relationship between Linear A and Linear B (process of script formation); Linear A and Linear B palaeography and structure.
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Christiana Scheib
Dr Christiana Scheib
Ancient DNA
The intersection in human health between diet, genes and disease. Population genetics, ancient DNA, ancient proteins, pathogens.
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Dr Rebecca Shercliff
Dr Rebecca Shercliff
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic (ASNC)
My research centres on medieval texts and their development in the context of their social, historical and literary background, with a particular focus on producing new editions and translations of previously neglected works. My main research interests are medieval Irish literature and early Arthurian literature.
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