St John’s College on Google Street View

Ever wanted to take a look around College from the comfort of your own home? Well now you can.

Google recently toured St John’s College with an array of cameras mounted on a high-tech tricycle. The images captured were then stitched together to create a ‘walk-through panorama’ of the College. St John’s is among the first of the Cambridge colleges to feature on Street View.

The Street View tour of College leads through the Main Gate to First Court, with a view of the College Chapel. Then, on through Second Court and Third Court before heading over Kitchen Bridge with a view of the Bridge of Sighs. Finally the panorama covers New Court and the Backs, through the paddocks and past the College Gardens. Try it for yourself:

But to see the full picture, and experience the atmosphere of St John’s College, then you need to come and visit us for yourself. If you’re thinking of applying then we have a number of Open Days this year with places still open.