Dr Talitha Kearey

Dr Talitha Kearey

Research interestsLatin literature and its reception. My current book project explores concepts of authorship, biography and literary criticism in Virgil’s ancient reception; more broadly, I maintain research interests in Latin poetry and prose, the history of scholarship, reception studies to the present day, and literary and cultural theory (especially feminist and queer studies).

Recent and forthcoming publications:
• ‘(Mis)reading the Gnat: Truth and Deception in the Pseudo-Virgilian Culex’, Ramus 47.2 (2018), 174-196.
• ‘Two Acrostics in Horace’s Satires (1.9.24-8, 2.1.7-10)’, Classical Quarterly 69.2 (forthcoming in December 2019).
• ‘Secondary Metalepsis? Talking to Virgil in Fulgentius’ Expositio Continentiae Virgilianae’, in S. Matzner and G. C. Trimble (edd.),
Metalepsis: Ancient Texts, New Perspectives, Oxford University Press (forthcoming in 2020).
Office: F16 Cripps