St John's College S.23 (James 416)

Collection of poetry. Circa 1632-37.

  1. An ode to him selfe. Come leave the loathed stage (Jonson) (fo. 1)
  2. T. Carew. To Benn Johnson uppon occasion of his ode to himselfe (fo. 2v)
  3. Iter Boriale. D. [R.] Corbut (fo. 4)
  4. Mr Austinn to his friend Ben Johnsonn. Sir you desire to see in writing (fo. 15)
  5. To John Blencow. Whereby (fo. 17). This and 4 published in Simpson (ed.), Ben Jonson, xi, 412-15(p. 27)
  6. Song, T. C. This mossy banke (fo. 17v)
  7. An Elegie on Captain Haslerigge by William Davenon (fo. 19)
  8. T.

St John's College S.22 (James 415)

Gifford Galton?, Artificial commonplace collection. English, 1640s

A commonplace compilation of various tracts and treatises, probably compiled and bound by Gifford Galton. Galton may have been a London bookseller, his name is found on political pamphlets of the mid 1640s (Henry R. Plomer, A Dictionary of the booksellers and printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667 (London, 1907), p. 79). The contents are as follows:

St John's College S.21 (James 414)

William Lloyd, Papers concerning the Non-jurors. English and Latin, c. 1690-1700


Papers re his fellow non-jurors collected by William Lloyd (1637-1710), of St John's College, successively Bishop of Llandaff, Peterborough, and Norwich:

St John's College S.20 (James 413)

A Non-Conformist's commonplace. English, c. 1670


St John's College S.18 (James 412)

University and legal commonplace. English and Latin, c. 1700


Sparse notes under theological headings over the first 150 pages have all been cancelled. The vol. Includes:

St John's College S.17 (James 411)

John Allsop, commonplace book. English and Latin, c. 1688


St John's College S.16 (James 410)

Robert Jenkin, 'De Potestate Ecclesiastica'. Latin, 1711


Robert Jenkin (1656-the author's hand1727), Master of St John's College, and Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge: 'De Potestate Ecclesiastica', a development of his inaugural lecture as Lady Margaret Professor, delivered on 3 May 1711. The work is in nine chapters. An 'index', or rather a chapter by chapter synopsis in the author's hand, is at fos viii r - x v. This MS is listed eighth among Jenkin's publications in the old DNB article.

St John's College S.15 (James 409)

Matthew Prior, letters to the sixth earl of Dorset. English, 1694-1701


St John's College S.11 (James 408)

Controversies in the Church of England. English, before 1603

'An Advertisement touchinge the controversies of the Churche of Englande', no date, but before 1603 (see references to the Queen at fo. 12v). Perhaps c. 1580, given the references to the present 'dayes of peace' at fo. 1r, though the hand suggests a slightly later copy. Beg.: 'It is but ignorance if any man finde it straunge'; ends: 'At the least I shall not repent my selfe of the meditacion'.

St John's College S.10 (James 407)

Thomas Segethus, Dedicatory letter to James I. Latin, 1622

Thomas Seghetus, or Segethus, author of De Principatibus Italiae (Leiden, 1628): dedicatory letter to James I, dated 'Hamburgi propriae / Non. Martias MDCXXII', bound with a presentation copy of his Thomas Seghetus a Gravi Calumnia vindicatus (Magdeburg, 1622).

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