St John's College K.16 (James 336)

Edward Forsett (?), 'Eloquentiae studiosis'. Latin, early seventeenth century


St John's College I.47

Life of Pope Sixtus V in Italian, 17th cent?


A note in the hand of C.W. Previté-Orton on fo. 1 reads 'Life of Pope Sixtus V in Italian closely allied to that of Leti and the Corsini MS (see Ranke's 'Popes', Appendix, Sect. IV.1)' i.e. Leopold Ranke's The Popes of Rome. This note appears to refer to Gregorio Leti's Vita di Sisto V. pontefice Romano (Lausanne, 1669) and to a manuscript in the Biblioteca Corsiniana in Rome titled 'Detti e fatti di papa Sisto V'.


St John's College I.46 (568)

A collection of notes mostly relating to Richard Bentley. English, 19th century.


Richard Bentley (1662-1742), philologist and classical scholar, Master of Trinity College Cambridge (for whom see ODNB). It has been suggested that this collection was composed by Thomas Kidd (1770-1850), classical scholar and schoolmaster.


St John's College I.42 (James 333)

'Le Sieur de la Croix, Les Eglises orientales'. French, c. 1690


Le Sieur de la Croix, diplomat and orientalist (c. 1630s-1704): 'Les Eglises orientales grecque, Armenienne, et Maronite'. De la Croix's authorship is recorded at p. xvii. The work was published in Paris, 1695. It was written after 1673 (see p. vii). On the author, see Paul Sebag, 'Sur deux orientalistes français du XVIIe siècle', Revue de l'Occident Musulman 25 (1978), 89-117. 

St John's College I.41 (James 332)

Richard Duffield, 'The Preacher's Assistant'. English, bef. 1830


St John's College I.40 (James 331)

Elizabeth Elstob (transcr.), Anglo-Saxon Homily on St Cuthbert. English, Old English and Latin, 1709


St John's College I.37 (James 330)

Treatises on experimental and observational science. Latin, 1623


According to Cowie, this is 'evidently the common-place book of a student at Rome, at the beginning of the 17th century'

St John's College I.36 (James 329)

Tractatus de habitibus vitiosis. Latin, seventeenth century


'Tractatus de habitibus vitiosis', in sixty meditations. No date, but apparently of the early seventeenth century. An 'index' (properly a table of contents) has been prepared at the end, but since the work has never been foliated no pagination has here been attempted.

St John's College I.34 (James 328, Wagstaff 3475)

John Comenius, 'In Januam rerum', etc. Latin, c. 1643


Jan Amos Komensky alias John Comenius (1592-1670): an apparently complete version of the work published in incomplete form by G. H. Turnbull as Two pansophical works by John Amos Comenius (Prague, 1951).

St John's College I.33 (James 327, Wagstaff 3496)

Sir William Cornwallis the younger, Encomium of Richard III. English, before 1611


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