St John's College H.20 (James 285)

'Tabula Angliae'. Latin, 1627


'Tabula Angliae Script' Anno Domini 1627', a complete valuation of all the benefices in England and Wales, arranged by county. There is also a list of 'Addicons' (fos 84-6). The 'Tabula' records nearly 9506 benefices, with a total annual value of over £113,000. Cf. the list in SJC, MS S.2, which seems all but identical in content.

St John's College H.19 (James 284)

John Christopherson, 'Jephthah'. Greek and Latin, seventeenth century


St John's College H.18 (James 283)

Sir John Cheke, Two Homilies of St John Chrysostom. Latin, 1543


St John's College H.17 (James 282)

Proclamations, and proceedings in parliament', 1603-10. English, seventeenth century


St John's College H.15 (James 281)

Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici, etc. Latin and English, later seventeenth century


St John's College H.14 (James 280)

John Bois and Thomas Smith, 'Notae in S. Clementis Epistolas'. Latin and Greek, seventeenth century


St John's College H.12 (James 279)

Acts and Statutes of St David's Cathedral, 1224-1489. Latin, seventeenth century


St John's College H.10 (James 278)

John Barwick, Correspondence concerning the Restoration. English, 1659-c. 1670


St John's College H.9b (James 277)

Peter Barwick, Life of John Barwick. Latin, c. 1690


St John's College H.9a (James 276)

Peter Barwick, Life of John Barwick. Latin, c. 1690


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