St John's College News

  1. When it gets dark, draw your curtains to reduce heat loss and close internal doors

    When it gets dark, draw your curtains to reduce heat loss and close internal doors
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  2. Check brightness settings on your TV – a factory set and overly bright picture uses more energy

    Check brightness settings on your TV – a factory set and overly bright picture uses more energy
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  3. Only turn lights on when you need them, and turn them off when you leave rooms/offices

    Only turn lights on when you need them, and turn them off when you leave rooms/offices
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  4. Always remember to switch appliances off standby when not in use

    Always remember to switch appliances off standby when not in use
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  5. Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth - taps use more than 6 litres of water per minute!

    Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth - taps use more than 6 litres of water per minute!
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  6. Dry clothes on a line or an indoor hanging

    Dry clothes on a line or an indoor hanging
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  7. Wait until you have a full washing load before doing your laundry

    Wait until you have a full washing load before doing your laundry
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  8. Let warm food cool before putting this in the fridge and don’t leave the fridge door open

    Let warm food cool before putting this in the fridge and don’t leave the fridge door open
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  9. Defrost food in the fridge throughout the day rather than quickly in the microwave

    Defrost food in the fridge throughout the day rather than quickly in the microwave
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  10. Keep the oven door shut as much as possible – clean the glass door to see what’s going on

    Keep the oven door shut as much as possible – clean the glass door to see what’s going on
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  11. Don’t waste food – this is a big contributor to CO2 emissions in the UK (freeze your leftovers)

    Don’t waste food – this is a big contributor to CO2 emissions in the UK (freeze your leftovers)
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  12. Johnian News on its way

    Johnian News on its way
    Look out for the Michaelmas issue of Johnian News that will be landing on Johnians' doorsteps in the next fortnight. This issue offers a peek inside the newly-restored Divinity School with a four page photofeature and an interview with Mike Finch from the St John’s College Maintenance team, who oversaw the project.There is also a musical theme to this issue, including contributions from Johnians…read more
  13. Recycling points

    Recycling points
    There are more ways to recycle waste in Cambridge than you might think. As well as standard blue recycling bins, which will take many items, other materials can also be disposed of in red British Heart Foundation bins and battery recycling buckets.St John's is currently working to increase recycling rates and there are plenty of recycling points throughout College premises. Below is a map of…read more
  14. Admission of Scholars 2012

    Admission of Scholars 2012
    As an institution that champions academic excellence St John’s College awards Scholarships and prizes to every student who achieves a first class in an undergraduate examination, or who demonstrates distinguished performance in an MPhil examination.On Saturday 27 October 2012 the students listed below were admitted as Scholars of the College (view a gallery of photographs) based on the criteria…read more
  15. Behind the scenes at the Fitzwilliam: Tomb Treasures of Han China

    Behind the scenes at the Fitzwilliam: Tomb Treasures of Han China
    On a Monday afternoon in September, when the Museum was closed to visitors, 30 local donors to St John's enjoyed lunch in College before making their way to the Fitzwilliam for an exclusive guided tour of its exhibition The Search for Immortality: Tomb Treasures of Han China.  There they were greeted by Dr James Lin (2008), the exhibiton's Curator, and Dr Vicky Avery (1988),…read more
  16. Green Day 2012 – A day for behavioural change in the College

    Green Day 2012 – A day for behavioural change in the College
    Green Day 2012 – 14th November. A focal day for energy saving in the College.Green Day is about raising awareness in the difference behavioural change can make on the environment. With particular focus on reducing gas and electricity consumption, Green Day is about rethinking the ways in which we use energy. Behavioural change is widely recognised as the single most significant way to reduce…read more
  17. Record breaking Telethon result

    Record breaking Telethon result
    This year’s Telethon raised an impressive sum of £273, 736 with over 385 pledges of support for the College’s fundraising Campaign. This total not only exceeds our original target of £180,000 but also those totals of previous Telethons at St John’s! Over the course of two weeks, our 12-strong team of dedicated student callers spoke to 610 Johnians, well over half of whom (69%) decided to make a…read more
  18. Students’ fieldwork in the Peruvian Amazon

    Students’ fieldwork in the Peruvian Amazon
    Two Johnian undergraduate biologists, Wilfried Genest and Sophie Lawson, have just returned from the Peruvian Amazon. After travelling to a remote field site deep in the jungle, they carried out research to understand how biodiversity and tree growth is affected by low impact log harvesting in Amazonian forests.This initiative is sponsored by Green Gold Forestry and Johnian alumnus Stuart…read more
  19. Choir music featured in MINIARE Project film

    Choir music featured in MINIARE Project film
    Music from the Choir of St John’s College has been featured in a film about the MINIARE Project, produced by the University of Cambridge, which can be seen below.This innovative MINIARE Project will use techniques more commonly found in scientific laboratories to uncover the hidden histories of illuminated manuscripts. By using spectroscopy, analysing the light reflected from manuscript pages,…read more
  20. Stay Safe on a Night Out

    Stay Safe on a Night Out
    This video below contains useful advice about staying safe during a night out in Cambridge.Cambridge is a relatively safe place, but usual precautions should be taken, particularly when travelling after dark.Avoid travelling alone. Stay in groups or pairs and have a mobile phone with charge and credit with you.Do not consume alcohol beyond your usual safe limits and if you are not used to…read more
  21. The Pythagoras Prize 2012

    The Pythagoras Prize 2012
    Each year St John’s College awards the Pythagoras Prize to a first year undergraduate student coming to study Mathematics at the College. The prize of £9000 is awarded as a one off prize at the beginning of the student’s first term in Cambridge. This is the second year the prize has been awarded after being started in 2011. This year the Prize has been awarded to Adam Gleave. Adam joins St John’s…read more
  22. Newly-restored Divinity School Unveiled

    Newly-restored Divinity School Unveiled
    After over 3 years of planning, archaeological excavation and extensive restoration and refurbishment work, led by the College’s Maintenance Department, the Divinity School opened for College use on Monday 8 October. This new facility, with a large central meeting hall, several teaching and meeting rooms fitted with state-of-the-art equipment, and a 180-seat lecture theatre, will undoubtedly…read more
  23. Matriculation Photograph 2012

    Matriculation Photograph 2012
    On Tuesday 2 October, 2012, over 250 new students gathered in New Court and on the Backs for their Matriculation photograph. We wish them, and all our returning students, all the best for the coming academic year. A gallery of photographs can be found on the link more
  24. Students awarded prizes for excellence

    Students awarded prizes for excellence
    The following students are among those who have been awarded University prizes for academic excellence, or other outstanding achievements, since June 2012. They are shining examples of the dedication, enthusiasm and passion demonstrated by students at St John’s. Gavin Bennison was awarded the Philip Lake Prize for showing the greatest proficiency in Part IB of the Geographical Tripos.Paddi Benson…read more
  25. Former Head Chorister in BBC Four Broadcast

    Former Head Chorister in BBC Four Broadcast
    Julius Foo (Chorister 2007-2011), former Head Chorister of St John’s Choir featured as Treble Soloist in the BBC Proms performance of Leonard Bernstein’s Mass. The concert took place at the Royal Albert Hall on Monday 6th August and was the first complete BBC proms performance of Bernstein’s Mass. Julius Foo performed with the National Orchestra of Wales, the National Youth Orchestra of Wales and…read more